Noticing a vehicle is following too close behind you can be unnerving. You might fear they are doing it out of aggression, and feel threatened. Or, you might just worry they are not leaving themselves enough room to react if you slow down or hit the brakes.
Surely the person doing it would not like it if someone was doing it to them. So why are they doing it to you? Here are a few possible reasons:
1. Ignorance of the danger
Some drivers do not realize what a safe following distance is. Even though you may feel they are too close, they think they are fine and will be able to brake in time, if needed. Three seconds is the minimum following distance and anything less is unsafe. On many occasions, such as in bad weather or when a vehicle’s brakes are worn, even three seconds is nowhere near enough.
2. Outright aggression
Some people get aggressive when driving, and it only takes a second or two of aggression to cause a crash. Tailgating is one way they may express their aggression. There is little you can do about this sort of person other than try to get out of their way without aggravating them further.
3. Not paying attention
Distraction is a massive problem on the roads. A driver who is chatting to a passenger, daydreaming or talking on the phone may not even notice you are there. Or, if they do, they could lose concentration and fail to slow if you slow, or fail to realize that they have speeded up and got closer to you.
Whatever the reason for someone tailgating, if they end up running into the back of you, you’ll likely suffer injuries. In most circumstances, the law would consider it their fault, but it is best to get legal help in case you need to fight for the compensation you deserve.