OnMyWay App Rewards Safe Drivers

On Behalf of | Nov 22, 2019 | Firm News

Pittsburgh car accident lawyers discuss the OnMyWay app that incentivizes distracted drivers drive safely.

New tracking technology has been developed to reduce unsafe driving behaviors, including distracted driving and speeding. Reckless driving is a leading cause of fatal car accidents throughout the country. Many safety programs hope to motivate drivers to stop reckless driving by focusing on the deadly risks and consequences associated with their unsafe driving behavior. Now a new app, OnMyWay has created an additional safe driving incentive in the form of cash rewards.

Incentives for Drivers

Drivers using the OnMyWay app will receive cents for every mile the driver has their phone locked. While the money is not given to the user in actual cash, the driver can eventually earn enough virtual money to purchase products, including meals, gasoline, and fitness classes. The app developer expressed their intention to eventually include an option where real cash can be deposited into the user’s bank account. There are no advertisements on the app, which can be downloaded for free through both the Apple App Store and Google Play for Android.

Reducing Texting While Driving

The California company behind OnMyWay created the app in response to the rising number of deaths attributed to drivers texting while driving.  With distracted driving deaths being the leading cause of fatal car accidents for teens and young adults, the app designer recognized the need for an activity tracker that would appeal to this tech-savvy class of drivers.  An additional app feature, OnMyWay Business, allows customers to make purchases from sponsors. With businesses funding the tracking rewards, OnMyWay is hoping to make a difference, while also making a profit.

Not Just for Drivers

Passengers can also earn rewards under the program. Users who refer others to the app also benefit by receiving cents for every mile the driver they referred refrains from texting and driving. The app creators hope to reach the larger community through this app by eventually teaming up with insurance companies, employers, health care organizations, and other businesses motivated to reduce risky driving behaviors, including texting while driving.

Holding Negligent Drivers Responsible

Distracted driving, including driving while texting, is a contributing factor in many car accidents. Individuals injured in distracted driving accidents can sustain serious injuries requiring a lifetime of expensive medical treatment. Drivers who fail to safely operate their vehicles may face legal liability for injuries sustained by their passengers, other drivers and their passengers, and pedestrians. Individuals injured by drivers exhibiting unsafe driving behaviors can file a civil lawsuit against the negligent driver to obtain compensation for the costs of medical treatment, physical or occupational therapy, lost wages, and damage to one’s vehicle. To determine if you have a legal claim against a negligent driver who caused an accident resulting in an injury to you or a loved one, contact an experienced car accident lawyer today.

Pittsburgh Car Accident Lawyers at AlpernSchubert P.C. Obtain Compensation for Car Accident Victims

If you or a loved one was injured in a car accident caused by careless driving, you may be entitled to compensation. At AlpernSchubert P.C., our experienced Pittsburgh car accident lawyers can help you obtain the maximum amount of compensation for your injuries. Located in Pittsburgh, we serve injured individuals and their families throughout western Pennsylvania, including Allegheny County, Lawrence County, and Washington County. To schedule a free consultation today, call us at 412-765-1888 or contact us online.