Commonly Overlooked Car Accident Injuries

In a car accident, victims might suffer some obvious injuries such as open head wounds, cuts, scrapes, bruises, broken bones and burns. Anyone who suffers these injuries needs immediate medical attention. It is critical in such situations to call 911 so accident victims can be checked out by an EMT or be taken to the hospital.

However, other types of injuries might manifest long after the accident. This is why it is vital to seek medical attention even if there are no evident signs of injury.

Seek Medical Attention As Soon As Possible

Some of the most commonly overlooked injuries resulting from car accidents include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Closed head injuries: If a driver’s seat belt fails and their head hits the windshield, they may not have any scrapes or cuts. This driver, however, may have suffered a closed head injury. The driver has been injured, but there are no obvious signs. Closed head injuries include concussions and contusions. The driver might have even suffered from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) without seeing any physical symptoms. Everyone who is involved in an accident should see a doctor. This is the best time to have an MRI or other imaging performed to show if any head injuries occurred. If the victims do not have any tests performed, they could experience headaches, memory loss, nausea and even a feeling of floating without knowing they were seriously hurt.
  • Whiplash: Whiplash involves a sudden jolt of the head and neck during an accident. These injuries can occur at low speeds, and drivers or passengers might walk away feeling a bit tender but showing no physical symptoms. Whiplash will involve neck and shoulder pain that makes it difficult to sit up straight, work or sleep. Additionally, whiplash may last for months before it subsides. In some cases, the victim never fully recovers. Accident victims cannot go home, take over-the-counter medication or sleep off a whiplash diagnosis. An injured individual should see a doctor to get a proper diagnosis and learn about available treatment options.
  • Bursitis: Bursitis can be caused by the severe jolts of car accidents. Bursitis is an inflammation of the fluid in sacs near the body’s joints. When this fluid is inflamed, the joints grind more than they normally would. Some accident victims assume this is a result of aging or some other condition they may have suffered from in the past. This is not always the case.
  • TMJ injuries: The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) holds the jaw to the skull. In many people, this joint wears down over time, causing pain while chewing or speaking. Because a car accident typically includes violent impact, the joint could be damaged. If the victim suffered a head injury, it is even more likely that they also sustained damage to this joint. When these overlooked injuries occur, drivers or passengers should seek medical care and reach out to a car accident lawyer to discuss their options for litigation.

At AlpernSchubert, P.C., we believe a case can be fairly settled after reaching the endpoint of your treatment or recovery. Non-obvious injuries like the above might be costly and could be excluded from an insurance settlement. Our commitment is to obtain the full value of your claim. Let us guide you through the process and handle the paperwork and negotiations for you.

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